dock date貿易

以下是以前客戶回給我的, 我被客戶問的也昏頭了 安全起見我問了一下類似的問題 Let me try to explain you: a) Due date: Is the date that is stated on the PO sent; b) Dock date: Is the new date suggested by MRP after

相關軟體 Y'z Dock 下載

The application had huge interest when it was first released, but due to a cease and desist order from Apple, the author has had to stop development. To add icons, drag and drop a file (.exe, short...

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  • 以下是以前客戶回給我的, 我被客戶問的也昏頭了 安全起見我問了一下類似的問題 Let me try to explain you: a) Due date: Is the date...
    Re: [問題] duck date - 看板 intltrade - 批踢踢實業坊
  • 如題,請問以下說法有何不同之處嗎?時常混淆耶!有時候客戶指的是”到貨日”但我們是指”出貨日”。[DELIVERY DATE][SHIPPING DATE][DESPATCH DAT...
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    dock date | WordReference Forums
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